CA Dental Insurance, Toothache Pain
Question: I have not been in to see the dentist for a very long time. I never had any dental insurance and I work on and off when I can so I do not have a lot of money. I have been dealing with one of my teeth that hurts on and off. Only within the last two weeks or so it really hurts more often and I am not sure what to do about it. I can not afford to see a dentist so how can I make this pain stop?
Answer: I can understand having very little money so I am not making light of what you stated. However, there are dental insurance plans that are as low a $7.95 a month depending on were you live. I think it would be worth it to you to at least check them out and into getting one for your dental needs. Having to deal with bad teeth and not go to a dentist is not good for you over all health and well being.